Tibia Wiki

(foul language used by this NPC was corrected already by Cipsoft).

Player: Hi
Duria: Hiho, fellow knight Player!

Player: Job
Duria: Iam the Highknight of the dwarfs.

Player: Name
Duria: I am Duria Steelbender, daughter of Fire, of the Dragoneaters.

Player: Tibia
Duria: Bah, to much plantsandstuff, to few tunnels ifyoudaskme.

Player: Knights
Duria: Knights are proud of being dwarfs, jawoll.

Player: Heroes
Duria: Heroes are rare in this days, jawoll.

Player: Thais
Duria: Was there once. Can't handle the crime overthere.

Player: Spell
Duria: Can teach ye' spells for all mag levels up to 3. In what level do you want to learn a spell?

Player: Bye
Duria: Goodbye.

Player: hi
Duria: Hiho, fellow knight Player!

-walking away-
Duria: Becarefulloutthere, jawoll
